What is HTTPS ? what does it do?


what is https?

HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) are two protocols that are used to transfer data on the internet. HTTP is the standard protocol used for communication between web servers and clients, while HTTPS is an encrypted version of HTTP that is used to secure sensitive information such as login credentials, financial transactions, and other personal data.

HTTP is a simple request-response protocol that allows clients (such as web browsers) to send requests to servers (such as web servers) and receive responses in return. When you enter a URL into your web browser and hit enter, your browser sends an HTTP request to the server hosting the website. The server then processes the request and sends back an HTTP response, which includes the content of the webpage as well as information about how to display it.

HTTP uses a plaintext format, which means that the data being transferred is not encrypted and can be easily read by anyone who has access to it. This makes it vulnerable to interception and tampering by malicious parties.

To secure sensitive information transmitted over the internet, HTTPS was developed. HTTPS uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption to encrypt the data being transferred between the client and the server. This makes it much more difficult for anyone to intercept or tamper with the data.

To use HTTPS, a website must obtain an SSL or TLS certificate from a trusted certificate authority (CA). The certificate serves as proof that the website is legitimate and that the connection is secure. When a client (such as a web browser) establishes a connection with a server using HTTPS, the server presents the SSL or TLS certificate to the client. The client then verifies the certificate and, if it is valid, establishes an encrypted connection with the server.

One of the main differences between HTTP and HTTPS is the way they handle data. HTTP uses a plaintext format, which means that the data being transferred is not encrypted. This makes it vulnerable to interception and tampering by malicious parties. HTTPS, on the other hand, uses SSL or TLS encryption to encrypt the data being transferred between the client and the server. This makes it much more difficult for anyone to intercept or tamper with the data.

Another difference between HTTP and HTTPS is the way they are used. HTTP is used primarily for websites that do not require sensitive information to be transmitted, such as news websites or blogs. HTTPS is used for websites that handle sensitive information, such as online stores, banking websites, and social media websites.

In addition to securing sensitive information, HTTPS has several other benefits. For example, it can improve the performance of a website by reducing the amount of data that needs to be transferred. It can also increase the trust of users in a website, as it demonstrates that the website is legitimate and secure.

In conclusion, HTTP and HTTPS are two protocols that are used to transfer data on the internet. HTTP is a simple request-response protocol that is used to transfer data between web servers and clients, while HTTPS is an encrypted version of HTTP that is used to secure sensitive information. While HTTP is vulnerable to interception and tampering, HTTPS uses SSL or TLS encryption to protect the data being transferred. HTTPS is used for websites that handle sensitive information, such as online stores, banking websites, and social media websites, while HTTP is used for websites that do not require sensitive information to be transmitted.

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